Go ahead: Try to pronounce it! |
Here's a bit of trivia for you: there are no McDonald's restaurants in Iceland. I can't remember anywhere I have been where there was not a McDonald's. Actually, the restaurants were here for awhile, then in 2008 when Iceland endured a terrible economic crisis McDonald's was forced out of business. The law at the time was that McDonald's could not serve Iceland meat, so it needed to import beef. During the crisis, the price of imported beef rose so high that McDonald's had to raise its burger prices way up to cover the extra cost: the result was that customers stayed away. Goodbye McD's.
Everywhere you go, sheep. Even on the roads. |
It's expensive to dine out here -- you can easily spend $100 for two in a restaurant, and the price of alcohol is about double what you would pay in most of the USA. One very popular food item is the hot dog, which you can buy all over the place. They are very tasty, too. I will report the ingredients later.
I need to go now as I only have a little bit of internet time available. But I will be back. Be sure to read my newsletter this weekend to learn more about my trip.
I called the boss and left you a voice mail that you were going to be gone longer!