Friday, September 9, 2011

Sheep, sheep, sheep!

Once you leave the big city of Reykjavik, you will soon learn that sheep outnumber humans. Everywhere you look you see sheep. They roam the country more-or-less freely, eating lots of tasty grass, and consequently when they grow up and get fat they make for yummy meals for we humans. Iceland is famous for only two types of food fare: lamb and fish. I was not able to get a photo of a Cod, just sheep.

Road signs warn of sheep on the road, and indeed they do show up there. When you approach in your vehicle they might run or they might just stand there and stare at you. The fellow in this ten-second video just chewed whatever he was chewing and stared at me. I think he was more curious about me than I was of him. One day his owner will round him up and at that point he'll either lose his coat or end up as lamb stew. Maybe both. He's lucky he doesn't know his fate.

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