Friday, September 9, 2011

Iceland money

The currency in Iceland is the Krona. More than one Krona is called a Kronur. Here are a couple of bills so you can see what they look like. A thousand Kronur is worth about $8 in U.S money. The handiest coin is 100 Kronur. I ended up with a pocketful at the end of every day. I tended to spend bills more often than coins because without putting on my reading glasses I couldn't tell most coins apart. The sizes sometimes don't make sense. A 10 Kronur coin is a lot bigger than a 50 Kronur coin. Half the time I didn't even know how much I was spending because I had to convert Kronurs to dollars in my head, and sometimes I was just too lazy. It was especially hard figuring out how much fruit and vegetables cost in the market because the weight is posted in kilograms.

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